Frequently Asked Questions

Where do your ideas come from?

The best place to find out about this is in my newsletter: The Greenhouse with P.M. Freestone. You’ll get subscriber-only access behind the scenes, insight into my research and writing process, and a bunch of cool stuff about growing plants, stories and ideas. And I’ll make sure to keep you up to date about new books! 🤓

Who is your agent?

Josh Adams of Adams Literary, super-advocator extraordinaire.

Will you introduce me to your agent?

Unfortunately, no. But the thing is, you don’t need an introduction. The vast majority of writers find their agents through the process of querying. If you write an amazing book, polish a query to a high sheen, and identify agents who love the genres and age groups you write for, then you’re setting yourself up in the best possible stead, regardless of recommendations.

Will you critique my manuscript?

Alas, my schedule doesn’t usually allow for this. Sometimes, I’ll do critiques for organisations working to widen access in publishing, or for charity fundraisers. Otherwise, my recommendation is to find yourself a critique group (if you write for children or young adults a good place to start is your local SCBWI chapter) or get to know people online who are also writing, so that you can start building up a reliable network of readers.

Where do you live?

In a village by the sea in beautiful Scotland. I grew up in Australia, (my home city is Melbourne) and I’ve lived in several other places across the world that will always remain in my heart.

What do you do when you’re not writing?

First and foremost? Read. After that? I love an open world video game. Otherwise you’ll find me in my garden, or cooking up a storm from homegrown fruit, veg and herbs. Even when I didn’t have a garden, I’d be out among the greenery. Scotland is a great place for foraging—you can follow the seasons and find blackberries or elderflower, rosehips or wild garlic—some of it just growing by cycle paths or rivers. My lifelong ambition is to run my own garden-to-table writing retreat… one can dream, right? If all that sounds like your cup of tea, you’d probably like my newsletter - The Greenhouse with P.M. Freestone - scroll up to subscribe!

How can I support you and other authors who’ve written books I enjoy?

Buy our books (and pre-orders are especially helpful and lovely, as is supporting your local bookstore) or borrow them from your local library (and if they’re not there, request them). Equally, reviews help immensely, on Amazon, B&N, Waterstones, Goodreads, your blog… Blethering to your friends until they also pick up said author’s books. Shouting out on social media how much you loved your fave books. Voting for said books in reader-decided polls and awards. There are many ways. Authors need you (we couldn’t do this without you - fact) and we very much appreciate your efforts. Did I happen to mention you look particularly stylish today? 😆